Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Birthday!

 Our little boy turned 1! I was trying not to expect anything out of him with his cake but he took the bait! Such a messy child! All it took was one bite and he was sunk.  We tried to keep the party short but that didn't work.  Poor kid was getting so sleepy so I had to hurry get a cupcake and slap a candle in it before he passed out.  Sure enough the sugar gave him a bit of energy to finish it at least then he was done!
He recieved some great gifts thank you again to everyone that sent something you should receiving your Thank You cards soon. Jeremy and I are trying to recoup a little it took a lot out of us and Kamden is still running strong.
 I will buy my cakes at Sam's Club from now on. 36.00 for this monster! We are still eating on cake 4 days later! It was a nice cake and was so soft.
 Cake Face!!!!!
Outside decorations!
Please excuse the pain mess we have hired a professional that PROMISED to finish painting then the house will look a lot better.

Well on a different note I am not ready for tomorrow.  We are not feeling well here and Kamden has to get 1 year old shots :(  So not ready for this.  I am preparing myself for the fight I am armed with meds and freshly washed wash rags so we can keep any temp down!

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