Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Birthday!

 Our little boy turned 1! I was trying not to expect anything out of him with his cake but he took the bait! Such a messy child! All it took was one bite and he was sunk.  We tried to keep the party short but that didn't work.  Poor kid was getting so sleepy so I had to hurry get a cupcake and slap a candle in it before he passed out.  Sure enough the sugar gave him a bit of energy to finish it at least then he was done!
He recieved some great gifts thank you again to everyone that sent something you should receiving your Thank You cards soon. Jeremy and I are trying to recoup a little it took a lot out of us and Kamden is still running strong.
 I will buy my cakes at Sam's Club from now on. 36.00 for this monster! We are still eating on cake 4 days later! It was a nice cake and was so soft.
 Cake Face!!!!!
Outside decorations!
Please excuse the pain mess we have hired a professional that PROMISED to finish painting then the house will look a lot better.

Well on a different note I am not ready for tomorrow.  We are not feeling well here and Kamden has to get 1 year old shots :(  So not ready for this.  I am preparing myself for the fight I am armed with meds and freshly washed wash rags so we can keep any temp down!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Faux Canvas

 So this Faux-canvas for cheap people.

The Materials needed:

Mod-Podge (matte finish)
foam board
4 x 6 photos
ribbon 3/8ths but it was a little wide for this project.
1. you will put mod-podge on your foam board and apply photo.
2. Then apply mod-podge to you photo.  Yes it will look like its going to dry whitish over your photo, do not worry it will magical turn clear.
Allow dry time I gave mine an hour........
3. Carefully use a box knife to cut out you photo.
4.  Use small amounts of hot glue to edge and apply your ribbon.
6. Put a slight bend in you soda pop tab.
5.  Take a soda pop tab and apply a good drop of hot glue to the back of you photo and apply tab.
Place on a nail.  It looks beautiful! No need to buy expensive picture frames anymore.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bed Rest!

I was ordered to take it easier.  I'm having a lot of pain and I have been really sick.  I have no appetite at all! Pregnancy #2 is hell! Thankfully I have some help this week, getting some stuff done before little mans #1! I'm so excited for this party.  We have to order the cake next week and get some cupcakes.  Dollar store for decorations and sams for the hamburger patties and hot dogs!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Well Kamden is almost 1... Wow how time goes by! He's got 3 teeth, he's almost as tall as my friends 3 year old. He is 22 lbs and still growing. I can't wait to have our second and child. Then our family will be complete. I never knew one child could make two people so happy. Sure he'll get older and he will do stupid stuff. He will always know that we love him no matter what.

We haven't been feeling too well around here. We have been trying to clean up the house and get the chickens ready to go. We have 30 eggs in the incubator and 10 baby chicks outside.

Just been running in a rut and I think it's time we get out of town for a day or two. Maybe soon. Maybe is cabin fever or whatever just seems so gloomy here. People are dying and I don't know if I can handle another phone call. But that little smile! That keeps me going. I really hate it here sometimes. I just wish I had a friend that was HERE that wasn't judgemental! I hate it when people act that way toward me. My decisions are my decisions and it doesn't matter if you like them or not. Just be a friend and hang out. Let me vent (not saying you can't tell me I'm a dummy sometimes) I'll let you vent, don't stab me in the back by running to everyone telling them lies about me. And most important just hang out.
We are not 16 years old. We are not in High School. Sure I really don't care who's doing what but if it matters to you, I'll listen.
I know I'm rambling, I'm tired, and I just hate it that the last 3 people that I thought was my friends ... we they were users, one wanted pills (that I don't have), one was stuck in High School ( at age 25) and one wanted to have sex with all of Jeremy's friends.
My best friend is over a thousand miles away. :( I never knew we could have been such great friends until high school was over. But she is the greatest friend I have. I am thankful for her and I love her very much. She will let me cry on her shoulder and then tell me she loves me but I'm an idiot and try it this way. She's never rude and doesn't gossip. I just wish we could be a little closer.
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Baby Chickens

It was so beautiful yesterday. I got to take little man out to play in the yard. I had to run to the coop yesterday morning for feed and of course its that time again for the baby chicks to ready to go. So Jeremy and I are expanding our flock and we bought 10 rhode island red chicks. Kamden was so gentle with the babies I was really surprised. he kinda just pet the baby chick and looked at me to make sure that was ok.
The second picture is my favorite of all the ones I took yesterday.
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

17 Weeks....

Oh my 17 weeks now.  Baby is moving a lot! I'm so tired and HUNGRY all the time! I'm hoping that my sweetheart will take me to some sort of buffet this weekend! I hate being this hungry.

Kamden is just about 1 year old!  We are going to have a small party here the day before.  Hamburger's and hotdogs! I can't wait we already have quite a few people showing up.  I cannot believe he will be a year.  He's trying to walk he will stand up and just stand there.  Its like he's thinking about walking but just not for sure.

Jeremy and I are doing so well now.  He bought me flowers last week when I just felt really bad.  It just seems like we are ment for each other.  I don't know what changed but it did and it feels wonderful to be able to ask for a little help putting dishes away and he gets up and helps me.  He loves my cooking and tells me I'm beautiful everyday.