Sunday, November 6, 2016

House Mates, Toddlers and Heartbreak

So we had moved in a friend of mine from my husbands old hometown and once again left with the short end of the stick...
I HATE FACEBOOK! She is posting I "abused" her and treated her like a slave! WTH! If she was treated like a slave, I would be happy to change positions with her.

I know that I am hard to live with, I don't deny that one bit. I was upfront and told her to live here RENT FREE and given food you have to help me with the children and help me clean the house.

I moved her upstairs. It was not finished when she moved up here and she moved a friend in with us to help with that... 4 months later and guess what I am having to do.  Hire someone to finish my upstairs. UGH! So the drywall was hung and I bought all the materials. It just needs to be finished up.
So after a major clean up, picking up cat poo and throwing away perfectly good furniture I am furious.
What makes this worse is that she's playing the victim. Really?!?!
There was a quote on a white board at school it read:
Facts are Negotiable
Perceptions are not...

Makes total sense, given the situation. Her "perception" is that I abused her by expecting the house to be cleaned after I worked a 12 hour day. I expect their to be dinner ready due to the fact, I bought the groceries.  I expect my things to be in place where I left them that morning before I went to work...

If you were a babysitter you wouldn't allow that sitter to stay if she allowed your children to rampage throught the house and destroy everything in their little paths, right?

Not only did my lovely toddlers get into my room they managed to grab my collectables from a shelf in my room and hide them in their room. When I asked her about this I was told, "I watched them the whole time, that's why the house isn't cleaned." DO WHAT!!!!! 

So 2 bags of chips are GONE. Pizza left overs on the counter and I asked her if she made dinner and she told me that, "Me and the boys had pizza." The boys and I had pizza! UGH 

That next week I had to DEMAND that she take a shower... Really, why do I have to do more than ask. One time my husband got up and sprayed down the chair she was sitting in, in hopes to save our furniture. He even told her you have to shower everyday. She got a little hurt over that too. 

Her cat... oh her cat, she wanted to help this cat have her kittens.  Then dumped this poor cat on me.  This cat HATES my dog, attacked him a few times. This brings me back to Layla...sweet Layla, I loathed that dog.  Not because of the dog but because of the owner. I cannot stand someone who gets a dog and does not train it at all! Then refuses to take care of the thing. If it wasn't for me and a friend that dog would have starved.  She applied to several jobs when she first got here. Then she gave up. So  that left me to take care of this animal. Not to mention after I had to get up at 3 and 4 am several morning I tied her up to a tree.  I was tired of hearing this dog cry and bark and waking me and the toddlers up.  

She left for the weekend and I started cleaning, this is when I found the upstairs to smelling horrible, and cat poo everywhere. Piles of clothes here and there. It was a mess.  MY BED smelled. Thank you Jesus for OdoBan. I was just done! Done with the "I can'ts" done with the "my back hurts" done with "I won't go to the doctor" Just DONE! 

I wasn't going to put up with it anymore. She worked 5 hours a day and still came home and sat down and watched TEEN MOM! She's 26 you are no longer a "teen" she would help with dishes but that is where it stoped.  She would constantly take selfies and was on her phone on POF. If you never look up from your phone you will NEVER find someone.  

Speaking of that phone, One night I was watching "Once Upon A Time" and that stupid thing went off every 15 seconds. Several times in a row. I asked her if she minded and she laughed! Laughed at me, and told me it was someone on POF! And your point, turn it down or off.  One night she made my husband so mad he turned the tv up as loud as it went and she got mad at him and went to her room.  

So I told her when I got paid on the 15th I would give her some money for helping with the boys, at least they didn't burn down the house. However she didn't wait till the 15th.  When I told her I was really pissed off that when I went upstairs to get into the closet it SMELLED so bad and that I found cat poo all around the room and the litter box was terrible, it was too much for her to handle.  

She blocked me from Facebook and started unloading her dirty laundry. Telling everyone that I yelled at her. Uh yeah when your fail to have common sense, and you treat me like crap. You bet your butt I'm going to yell. I have bent over backwards trying to help her better herself but she refused. 

So if you are one of her friends and reading this, you can ask my neighbor and ask people around me what was going on.  Their is 3 sides to every story and you will Never know the whole truth because you weren't there to see the day to day actions and reactions. 

I will end on this, my boys and I have a long road to recovery because of this.  My little doesn't trust me right now and it will take some time, but the most heartbreaking thing out of all of this is not that she left my child ALONE for 2 hours but the fact my 4 year old asked me if she was mad at him... 
This is not cool. I hugged him and told him no she was mad at me, why because I am the Mom and I will do what I can to take the hurt away.  My children should have never been hurt in this, and because of this I will live alone for a long time. 

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