Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weight Loss...

So trucker for 6 years and 2 babies later I have gained a lot weight.  I will do official weigh in next Friday but when I left the doctors office at Williams 6 week old mark I weighed 256 lbs.  I started playing Dance Central on Xbox and I feel the burn.

High School I weighed 125 lbs I was a size 12 and ran everyday. This was taken in 2002 the year I graduated.

 And here I am just a few weeks ago.  So I need help, support and strength to lose this weight! I don't expect to be 125 lbs again but to get to 160 would be great.  Please help support me in this challenge.  My first goal has been met that is to get up and do something about it.  My second goal is only 1 soda a week! I have to cut the sugar out and start cooking right.  
I promise to post at least once a week and hopefully I can successfully lose weight.  

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