Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lack of Sleep

No one told me motherhood was easy. I never expected to be. I hate the fact I am so far away from my parents. I hate the fact that all these people promised me they would help me if I needed it and when I need it they are not there!
I would drop everything to help a friend in need. I cannot count how many times a friend would say I need and I would give if I had it. Now when I say I need no one is around. Whats worse is the people that asked me over and over again for help that I helped, are no where to be found.
Kamden is doing great now! He was colic and he's teething, so that means constant crying. Jeremy couldn't help because he's trying to bring the money in and I won't ask him because he is so tired.
So where are they now? I have a messy house... Laundry to be done... Food that needs to be cooked?!?!?!
I offer a cookout and no one shows up? I guess they know I'm going to ask them to hold Kamden for me and talk to him. He is so cute why would you say no?
Needless to say my feelings have been hurt. Because I really thought I was starting a family and making REAL friends. Instead I have to deal with the people that use me again.
I hate this gypsy blood running through my veins. If I could take Kamden with me we would be on that road... It would be Jeremy, Kamden and I just going as fast as we can trying to make that money. Seeing the sunrise in Oklahoma and chasing it as far as we could to California.

I wouldn't trade Kamden for the world and I do miss it out there. I wish she would quit calling my name.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww sweetie..I was very fortunate to have my sister literally 'TAKE' jacob for me the first 4 weeks which gave me some breathing room. There is not much you can do with the colic, just make them as comfortable as possible. It will pass. I'm a very impatient mama so I'm never satisfied..LOL! I want jacob to listen to me ONE time and be done but, that doesnt happen. Dont worry though, it does get easier :) We have been trying to get out there to see ya'll but as you know with a kid, it's tough...we are always busy with jacob's wee ball/school/sickness, etc. We hope to get out there soon. I'll email or call you so we can give ya'll huggies. Praying for ya honey and call me if you just need to talk.
