Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Casserole Night

We started with a salad tonight. Jeremy ate one too but he wanted cooked mushrooms. He helped me put dinner together. I love it when he helps me make a meal.
So romaine lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, and a little chesse. Topped with Cesar dressing. MMMMM.
So the casserole is one that I've made before. Its on the back of the stove top stuffing box. You mix one can of cream of mushroom soup, a half a can of milk, one package of frozen broccoli, chicken (cut into cubes) and a box of stuffing. You make the stuffing and mix everything else together in a casserole pan. Oh and add about a cup and a half of cheese in the casserole pan too. Top it with the stove top then put it in the oven at 400 degrees till chicken is done. Makes great for the next day too.

Other than cooking... I've been really tired these last few days. I slept most of the day yesterday and went to bed around 9:30 and slept till 6am when I had to take Jeremy to work. I couldn't sleep earlier this morning so I laid down after taking a long warm bath about noon. I slept till 2:45 then went and got Jeremy from work.

I can't wait till the baby shower. I'm just really excited to see everyone. I really can't wait till Kamden gets here. Only 10 more weeks to go!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mother Crocheter!

Ok I give I have no clue what my soon-to-be child is doing right now but it feels like he's breathing down there. He's pushing in and I breath in and as I breath out he pushes down?!?!? OmG lol. So I have been crocheting like crazy these past few weeks. These were two items I made for Amanda who is expecting a little girl next month I think. Well she loved them alot and I am happy. That is like the best moment for me when someone really likes the gift you made them.
So my future cousin called and said hey I have this photographer friend that needs something made can you help. I look at the project and say sure. Its this cool looking cocoon swing thing for baby. ----> It looks really cool!!!! The only problem is we didn't make enough money this week for me to buy new yarn to complete it. So I am hoping that I have enough white yarn to do this project. If not I will have to work like a mad woman next Thursday to make it and mail it to her.
She has a photo shoot thing in a few weeks and wants it then.
But it's totally cool I think I will have enough yarn to do it. And then I am hopefully able to get some camo yarn to make Kamden (baby) an awesome baby afghan. See crocheting like a mad woman...

So on another note SUPER EXCITED about the baby shower next month. I can't wait. I know a lot of people won't be there, because hello I kind of moved away. However, the people that do come I know we will have fun.

On that note I'm about to go to bed. My friend is coming over tomorrow to help with the garage door and he's going to be here early. Well 8:30 but still I have to get up in the morning.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kamden Dean Henderson-Dennis

He has his little arm up on his left side. It was so amazing to see his face like that. Did see his little boy part too so we know for sure its a boy.
I'm 28 weeks now 29 tomorrow. Im really excited because on 11 weeks are left and I feel like Im not ready. We have so much to do. Painting the room and preparing the baby's room. I have a crib to set up and make. I have a changing table to stock up.
I have to get some laundry soap for the baby's clothes and wash all the clothes that I have so far.
The baby shower is on the 12th of February and I'm excited to see who will be there.
Jeremy is getting excited too. He's been able to feel the baby more. So I hope he is excited about the baby as I am.

I have been going to class more. My nurse is coming to see me again. Thank God she is feeling better. I missed talking to her about baby stuff. She's going to help me get my maternity bag ready for the hospital.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's a boy!

Went to Dr. Dyess' today. I had my ultrasound and for sure it's a boy we can see the little part now.

We are going to be going to the doctor's office every two weeks now. Oh boy that means it's getting closer to time for him to be here.

So the soon to be new addition to the family will be Kamden Dean Henderson!