Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why I became a trucker...

Back in 05 I was separated from my ex husband with no job a crappy car and no idea of what to do and I decided to go to my Aunts in Southern Oklahoma and stay with her. I ended up spending some time with my cousin and her husband.

Her husband was a trucker she told me the first day she and I went to have lunch at my aunts. "A What?" I asked her complete ignorant to what she was talking about.

He drives semi trucks you know 18 wheelers she said. I said "You mean those big trucks that slow you down and on the interstate?" She laughed and said "Yes but you really need to get to know him before you make a statement like that to him"

So her husband came home and he and I talked about his job and I finally asked could I do something like that?

He said Sure why not your look physically able to do it. The test are a breeze. He told me 3 companies to try on Monday to see if they would help me get my license.

SUCCESS! I found one in Utah that took me. I started getting things ready to go and he helped me get everything I needed. He told me NO MATTER WHAT stick with it for one year and I Promise you that you will make good money and be out of debt soon.

And he was right I've been trucking ever since

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