Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Back to posting again...

SO a lot has happened since my last post. Now I will be able to post a little more.  We moved our little family to Texas. We love it here.  A lot less drama and really good people.

So I went back to work had some great friends help me with the boys while I worked. I've changed jobs and went to the oilfield while my husband was a stay at home dad for a while.
Made a little money and helped get the house sold in Louisiana. Now we are about to buy a new home but in the mean time we are staying in a single wide trailer until we find the right one.

Now I'm doing a job closer to home until my husbands license gets straitened out. I am able to be home everyday and the boys are enjoying that.  My oldest is doing great he's 3 years old now and is smart as a whip.
My youngest whos 2 just started talking and almost potty trained. So excited.

So now brings me onto my side hobby. I have picked my hooks back up and I'm crocheting like crazy.

I have 2 days off a week and tons of yarn so lets begin.