Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Church

So I don't normally post things like this but today I went to fill in a hole at church. The church was built on an old homestead and the well was not properly sealed off. So I filled up the back of the truck with buckets of dirt and go up there to start filing it in. I finally get the tailgate down, which was stuck. I get 3 buckets unloaded and I felt the Lords presence, I didn' t care if I looked like a nut or not but I feel to my knees and just prayed. Prayed and told God I was thankful for everything and please let life will get better. Most of you know last year was really rough on us. Lots of bed rest with being pregnant with William, then Jeremy lost his job... he's working again and has his licence again but it just been difficult this year. Pray for my family and we are always praying for you.