Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Church

So I don't normally post things like this but today I went to fill in a hole at church. The church was built on an old homestead and the well was not properly sealed off. So I filled up the back of the truck with buckets of dirt and go up there to start filing it in. I finally get the tailgate down, which was stuck. I get 3 buckets unloaded and I felt the Lords presence, I didn' t care if I looked like a nut or not but I feel to my knees and just prayed. Prayed and told God I was thankful for everything and please let life will get better. Most of you know last year was really rough on us. Lots of bed rest with being pregnant with William, then Jeremy lost his job... he's working again and has his licence again but it just been difficult this year. Pray for my family and we are always praying for you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weight Loss Not Going so Good!

We have all been very sick around here.  Jeremy has been sick for 3 weeks.  The kids and I started feeling better Sunday evening.  I hate that Jeremy is still sick! This diabetes is really kicking his butt.

So I have not been able to work out everyday due to our sickness.  I am hoping that I will be able to start back in a few days.  I worked out yesterday and the day before and I'm starting to get woosie afterwards like my sugar is too low.  So I have Jeremy's extra meter and I'm going to start taking my sugar after workouts if this continues.

I'm also making another small change to my workout.  I'm going to start getting up early to do my workout so that when the kids are down for their nap I can clean and do laundry.

I'm doing my Dance games so if anyone is wondering.  When I first started I lost quite a bit but I didn't keep up my diet after I got sick.  I didn't take my soda out during the first because I'm trying a few things.  However this go around I'm only going to allow my self 1 can a day.  I have to have my caffeine and I'm not ready for coffee yet.  I have never been a fan of coffee but I am kinda liking the dunken donuts coffee I'm trying now.

So other than that I'm trying to get my scheduled of things going.  I'm thinking of Vlogging bc it might be easier.  I want to record my weight loss and let people know that if I can do it they can too.  I know it is a hard battle but you have to get up and do it.

So hopefully next week I will know what I'm doing.  I kind of like typing but it takes a while to do it.