Wednesday, August 1, 2012

5 Dennis'

So it's been a while as usual.  We have a date set for the c-section.  It will be Aug 3rd unless the baby decides to come earlier.  We still don't know the sex but Jeremy is one happy Daddy.
I will be writing on here more due to our other new addition to the family.  We adopted a cockatiel.  A little boy named Rio.  He is about a year old and it takes a lot of time and trust on my part and his to tame them.  My mother has 3 of them one of which was mine till my ex and I split and due to the nature of a tiel I didn't push the issue of getting her back.  When I found this one I fell in love with it immediately.  Jeremy loves it too and we think we have found the perfect pet for us.  Dogs are not it anymore.  Ever since we lost Toby it has been hard for me to find another dog.
     Slowly we have been cleaning our home.  So much stuff to go through and get rid of.  I've narrowed alot of my things down.  Jeremy has done the same.