Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chicken Penne Gorgonzola

OMG I have been wanting this for the longest time but I don't like waiting till I go to Oklahoma to get it.  This is a little different than Johnny's Carinos but OMG just as good. I believe the put mushrooms in their's but I put broccoli in mine.  I'm waiting on big daddy to get off work to let him try it but we have more time.  I'm going to take it with me and let him eat it at the open field on the way from work so we can watch the stars tonight.  
I made my own cream sauce from milk, butter, garlic, and flour.  No heavy cream so less fatty.  Next time I'm going to try whole grain pasta.  

I've been feeling horrible. Headaches again! Kamden doesn't feel good bc of his ears but that will be solved soon.  I'm so scared for him to go into surgery, but I know it's for the best for him.  
Surgery is on May 8th at 730 am I just hope and pray everything goes ok. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So we are putting tubes in Kamden's ears on May 8th.  We seen the ENT yesterday and he thinks that between 4 ear infections and fluid always on his ears that he really needs them.  I'm really sad that my baby will be put under and tubes put in, but I'm happy to know my baby won't be hurting anymore.  His ears are hurting him tonight I'm hoping he will be able to sleep after I put in the numbing drops I put in his ears.