Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kansas City

I am back at this lovely town. NOT! I really think this is a trashy city. I was trying to sleep but however I have had two lot lizards (prostitute) knock on my door. The second one I just lost it on her. I come out of the sleeper and opened my door and started screaming at her.
She literally was banging on my door and when I didn't answer she did it again this is why I came unglued. I asked her if she had her brains screwed out of her. She said No. I asked her if she wanted me to beat them out of her. Of course she said no (damn) I told her to never bang, knock or come near my truck again or I would beat her senseless. I did have my bat in my hand so she was afraid. HA HA HA feel my wrath. j/k

Good Freaking Grief... I cannot stand it. You know knock on the door once if you don't see someone try to get up then move on. OH I forgot your on CRACK!

So thats my rant for the night. Just trucking it up. Im thinking of Vloging soon. I don't know. I feel that reading is so overrated now lol.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


This was suppose to be a good movie. It was until the ending. Are you kidding me why don't we just kill Rob Pattinson in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. That is a PERFECT ending... NOT

I thought this was a love story instead its a heart breaker. Why don't you show a woman losing her love in Iraq? Not in the 9/11 attack. I am so upset with this movie and more disappointing that that is I paid $20.00 for it and I contributed money to the douchbag that thought this would be a good movie.