Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Blankie

I crochet a wonderful hat for my boyfriends mom. Its purple and pink with a pink ribbon on it for breast cancer awareness. I will soon have pictures of it and the baby blanket I finally finished up soon!!!

At Home

We thought my Dad had to have his appendix taken out last Thursday. The doctors still don't know what caused his pain but it is easing off. I am going to go back to work tomorrow with the hopes that soon I will be a team with my boyfriend. I'm having a few issues with miles and keeping things running smoothly with my own truck so I asked my boyfriend to think about it and to tell me what he thinks in a few days.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Showered and feeling better

A new turn of events...I was starting to go shower and a friend of mine called and said that everyones trucks were being turned down. 73 mph is all we can go... lol I complain because we were able to go 80 mph (we didn't use it) but at least we had the horse power.

Someone was pulled over again today for speeding and our boss has had it. I don't blame him I would turn anyone down that was speeding but allow the ones that ARE NOT getting pulled over or getting tickets to go 75. Hell that should give some of the incentive to do right...right.

Anyways I'm sitting in the Petro at exit 148 getting some chow before I head to Kansas City, Ks to deliver tonight. I love listening to truckers bullshit. Some of them are so funny telling stories about what they have done when you can tell that he (usually a he) is a rookie and full of it.

Lovely Drivers

I am over in Owensboro, Ky and I am getting loaded now. I arrived about 20 mins late so I'm in the dog house (not really I just don't like being late). I have a tire that is leaking air and I can't find the leak. I have to call my boss and see what he wants to do on that. I think I can nurse it back to the yard thou. So I receive the call to back into door 10. I go down to the docks u turn and line myself up to back in. I release the brakes and go to open my doors. Another driver is closing his and he walks up to me as I am moving the trailer brace and ask me why it says & Sons when a female is driving. OMG are you really that lame that you have to give me that bs story come on. So I look at him like he stupid and I told him that the "Sons" are the dispatchers. LOL u should have seen the look on his face. I should have just drooled on myself and started saying the alphabet.

I did tell one guy that I was a man but I had surgery to become a woman he just excused himself and walked away.


I am ashamed of myself...Im addicted to Farmville. I can't help it.