Wednesday, March 31, 2010


A lot has happened since my last blog...My EX fiance and I got into a huge fight and we were both lucky to keep out jobs at a small company in Oklahoma. So I have been solo ever since October. Please forgive my lack of ability to put in commas and so forth I am working on this. I'm looking for some books to help me become more educated on this venture, (hey hey I used a big word)

So I am in Buckner Kentucky...HICK TOWN FROM HELL... From what I can see there isn't really nothing here but a salsa making plant. Woo Woo. I am currently getting unloaded at the salsa making plant. I brought 26,000 lbs of diced onions. I'm overjoyed at the thought can you not tell how happy I am. I have been sitting here since about 5pm today and its now 830pm Central time. So they will be done with me in about an hour. Hes really getting me unloaded pretty quickly...

Now I am faced with a problem of finding a place to park. I can go North 10 miles and maybe find a parking place there or I can go into Louisville, KY and NOT find a parking spot at all. I am going to ask the unloader if I can sit on there parking lot till morning, since I am not idling my truck they shouldn't have a problem with it.

My trailer smells of onions and in the morning I will have to get a wash out. FUN. There's 20 to 40 mins of a waiting game. Then I go to Owensboro, Ky to pick up a load that goes to Kansas City... Now I pick up tomorrow around 10 am then deliver in Kansas City at 3 am that night/morning piece of cake.

Now I went from Arkansas City KS to Newark NJ there is 132 miles deadhead(means empty trailer, the company makes NO MONEY but they still pay the driver .34 cents per mile) and 1385 loaded (thats with product on the trailer DUH). Then I picked up outside of Vineland, NJ to go to Buckner, KY thats 114 miles deadhead and 673 loaded. Total that 2277 miles at a rate of .34 cpm I made 774.18 now I took out about 60 dollars for myself so u get the picture. This is all that I will get paid for this week and this is coming back from being off for 4 days too...

Good Money, but not everyone can do this job